Lucy Pilgrim

Lucy Pilgrim is an in-house writer for Mining Outlook Magazine, where she is responsible for interviewing corporate executives and crafting original features for the magazine, corporate brochures, and the digital platform.
Deputy Head of Editorial
21 Mining Features

Colombian Mining Association : Spotlight

We learn about the work of the Colombian Mining Association (ACM) and its efforts toward promoting the sector as a pillar of the country’s socioeconomic development. President, Juan Camilo Nariño Alcocer, delves deeper into the dynamic industry.

Nguvu Mining : Advancing West African Mining

Angela List, Founder and CEO of Nguvu Mining, details the group’s advantageous acquisitional history and exciting future developments that will solidify its position at the forefront of West Africa’s mining landscape.

American Coal Council : Power, Promise, and Pride

Emily Arthun, CEO of the American Coal Council, highlights the importance of the resource to the US economy and the coal industry’s exciting potential in 2025.

Bokoni Platinum Mines : Mining for the Future

Amongst a major revival in the global platinum group metals industry, JJ Joubert, Senior General Manager of Bokoni Platinum Mines, delves deeper into the company’s proud heritage, innovative mining technology, and commitments to community development.

Campbell Transport : The Go-To Logistics Provider

We explore the ways in which Campbell Transport has evolved to provide comprehensive logistics services across the breadth of Western Australia, serving multiple industries and guaranteeing truck drivers’ safety.

Western Bainoona Group : Pushing Aggregate Boundaries

It is the long-lasting mission of Western Bainoona Group to stay up to date with the evolutions and demands of the aggregates market. We catch up with CEO, Martin McGinty, about the company’s latest projects and focus on sustainability.

Mayur Resources : Nation Building in Papua New Guinea

Darren Lockyer, Head of Business Affairs at Mayur Resources, enlightens us on the company’s focus on renewable energy projects and carbon footprint reduction across Asia Pacific’s building materials market.

Naledi Mining Services Company : Creating Limitless Mining Possibilities

Proving itself to be a vital player in Botswana mining, we speak to Bokang Thitoyamore, CEO of Naledi Mining Services Company, about providing vital mining services for the management of the world’s richest diamond mine.