Currently, the company is working on three projects across Canada that include the provision of services and vital mining support.
Firstly, GMS is providing specialty grouting operations for a project in Saskatchewan to stop any potential inflows of water in its underground operation.
The company is also supplying labor for a large open pit project across two mines sites in Western Canada. The support comes in the form of large haul trucks, drillers, blasters, and grader and dozer operators.
GMS is also performing steel erection work in Western Canada by installing an overland conveyor that conducts material handling over a distance of five kilometers. The regenerating conveyor system also has a 300-meter elevation change, making it the ideal equipment for the project’s technical installation on the side of a mountain.
“This year, we were fortunate because the winter season wasn’t too harsh, so we were able to navigate the project’s complex environment well, which isn’t usually the case,” informs Rannelli.
As the Canadian mining industry experiences another wave of infrastructure and capital advancements, the company anticipates the commencement of new mines towards the end of this year and the beginning of 2025.
“There’s significant development projects within British Columbia, Western Canada, as well as eastern regions, so we have our finger on the pulse and are very excited to partake in the tendering process,” he expresses.

I have the tagline of ‘empower rather than engage’- whether our employees learn from their previous decisions or get it right the first time, it’s all about empowerment rather than molding our staff.
Tom Rannelli, Director of Canadian Operations, GMS Mine Repair and Maintenance
GMS currently has approximately 1,500 employees across its US and Canada sites, with 55 working in the latter who have become experts in their field and are held accountable for their decisions.
“As the Director of Canadian Operations, I have the tagline of ‘empower rather than engage’ – whether our employees learn from their previous decisions or get it right the first time, it’s all about empowerment rather than molding our staff.
“As we build trust and accountability with each other, we let our employees take ownership of their tasks and position in the company.”
This approach allows GMS to overcome potential silos by leveraging the expertise of its multidisciplinary workforce, who are highly engaged and want to deliver for the company.
Throughout 2024 and beyond, the company aims to grow and put its fingerprint on the Canadian mining industry by showcasing its state-of-the-art knowledge and capabilities in industry-leading mining services.
“The upcoming months with be focused on building our relationships and network so that we can develop opportunities when they arise,” Rannelli ends.

We pride ourselves on our nimbleness and ability to
Tom Rannelli, Director of Canadian Operations, GMS Mine Repair and Maintenance
build relationships with a family-orientated style.